Ryan loves Mrs. Kleid! Here is Ryan and his fav teacher (second only to Mrs. Taylor, his Sp Ed teacher.) We had 50s day at our school for book fair week.
This is the first year ever that Ryan has spent any significant time in his grade-level classroom. Ryan is technically in second grade, but he's been in Communications Class (Special Ed) from the start. Well, this year we owe tremendous thanks to Mrs. Kleid. She truly enjoys having Ryan come to her class, and Ryan is made to feel welcome. His desk has his name on it, just like the other kids, and it's in the middle of the classroom - not closest to the door in case of early exit. Mrs. Kleid gives Ryan special jobs to do, like taking the lunch count and writing it on her Smartboard. Ryan so looks forward to going to her class. The kids are really nice too - they help him with things like scissors and glue, and after the Second Grade Musical Program, one of the boys (the son of Ryan's aide, a real sweetie-pie) came up and posed for a picture with Ryan. Ryan has friends! Hooray!
Rocky Mountain Pasqueflower (Pulsatilla patens)
9 years ago
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