Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Daisy Scouts plant spring flowers for our school

For our Pink Petal, our Troop planted the spring flowers for the front flower beds at our school. The girls will be so proud since everyone at school will get to see their hard work! Mom was really surprised at how hard the girls worked without complaining, and everyone enjoyed getting their hands dirty (except one, who was the master of the rake instead.) I hope these flowers live all summer and are still there to enjoy in the fall. Many thanks to Lydia and Beth for monitoring the watering - it's great to live across the street from the school, but sometimes you get taken advantage of. :)

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Ryan loves Mrs. Kleid's Class!

Ryan loves Mrs. Kleid! Here is Ryan and his fav teacher (second only to Mrs. Taylor, his Sp Ed teacher.) We had 50s day at our school for book fair week.

This is the first year ever that Ryan has spent any significant time in his grade-level classroom. Ryan is technically in second grade, but he's been in Communications Class (Special Ed) from the start. Well, this year we owe tremendous thanks to Mrs. Kleid. She truly enjoys having Ryan come to her class, and Ryan is made to feel welcome. His desk has his name on it, just like the other kids, and it's in the middle of the classroom - not closest to the door in case of early exit. Mrs. Kleid gives Ryan special jobs to do, like taking the lunch count and writing it on her Smartboard. Ryan so looks forward to going to her class. The kids are really nice too - they help him with things like scissors and glue, and after the Second Grade Musical Program, one of the boys (the son of Ryan's aide, a real sweetie-pie) came up and posed for a picture with Ryan. Ryan has friends! Hooray!

Friday, April 16, 2010

Plow, Plant and Shear Girl Scout Day at Dallas Heritage Village

We had us some real 1800s fun at this Girl Scout Event. Here is Katelyn's Troop posing in the spring clover in front of an old victorian house.

What has made Katelyn so excited about the 1800s? Caddie Woodlawn!

Mom picked up a used copy of Caddie Woodlawn at the CFB Used Book Fair a few months ago. We read each chapter day by day at bedtime. We are now working on reading Magical Melons, the Caddie Woodlawn sequel.

Katelyn has been enthralled with the adventures of this pioneer redheaded girl who lived on a farm in western Wisconsin. She meets indians, takes care of animals, goes to a one-room schoolhouse, and does all sorts of things that Katelyn would like to do. Sigh...to be born in the wrong century. I think I could join Katelyn in enjoying pioneer life.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Eric Orr's Art Studio

Sometimes I'm not sure who has more fun doing scout activities...the kids or Mom! Unfortunately, Mom usually is so busy overseeing kids that she doesn't get to make a project herself.

For this activity, we went out to Eric Orr's Art Studio in Copper Canyon. It's a place that Katelyn and I had been to with GLECPTA back in our preschool days. For a small supply fee, the kids get to make something out of clay and glaze it. The girl scouts made these plaques, and the cub scouts made goblets that will go towards their Artist or Craftsman Webelos Pins.

One day soon, I'm going to learn how to use the kiln that grandma (my mom) got for me last fall. It's now in the garage adn wired in. I just need to round everything up and have a free day to stay home and babysit the firing process.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Challenge Air Fly Day

There's this great organization called Challenge Air. They take kids with disabilities and their families flying in planes, and all of the pilots donate their time and their personal planes. Ryan is still unsure about the whole deal, but he's done it 3 times now. Each time he takes the wheel for a minute or so.

The view and the "sensation of flying" are so much more exhilarating from these small planes.

LAC Silver Boys day at Zone!

Andy swims for an amazing swim team, and he's an amazing swimmer. His practice group, however, is mostly girls. (Go figure.) So we needed to do something for the boys to bond. So Andy, David, Gavin and Alex went to race go-karts and play golf at Zone. Fun!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Evening Camp at Lake Grapevine

We'd been told that we couldn't take our Daisy Troop camping overnight, so Jill (another Daisy leader) and I hatched a plan to have the same fun experiences close to home, minus the sleeping in a tent. We chose a secluded park on the north shore of Lake Grapevine, and we had our girls make fishing poles out of bamboo, play kickball, roast s'mores, go on a scavenger hunt, and we even invited a Junior Troop to come and teach us Girl Scout songs around our campfire.

The funny thing about the bamboo poles is how they were aquired. There is a grove of bamboo over by the Flower Mound Post Office. Bamboo grows and divides like crazy to the point of often being a nuisance...but...would I get in trouble for chopping down bamboo on government property? This is one of those things that's easier to ask forgiveness than permission. I headed over one evening at dusk and parked my car a ways away, walked over, and quickly cut down a dozen poles with my nipper tool. Then I retrieved my car and quickly opened the back hatch and stuffed the bamboo shoots in. I hadn't taken the time to trim the side shoots, so there were branches and leaves everywhere, including sticking out of the back after I closed the door. It probably was a strange sight to see...but, I find that I do all sorts of strange things all for the sake of my kids!