Friday, March 12, 2010

This is Andy's second TAGS meet, but last year he was only there on account of being needed for a relay. This year is the first year that he got here on his own merit - with 5 TAGS-qualifying times. Mom and Andy drove to The Woodlands, Texas (outside Houston) for this meet. We stayed in a hotel and ate at Subway every day (Andy's favorite restaurant!) Andy and his pal Winston (who swims for Richardson) got to hang out some more, with only a few 9 year old boys from around the state being at this meet. Since they swim in a 9-10 age-group category, next year when they are 10, hopefully they will own this meet! This year Andy's finishes (being ranked with 9 and 10 year olds) were along the lines of 34th place, 37th place, etc. But next year he is heading for all top-8 finishes, and perhaps a first place in Fly if he keeps up his efforts!

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