Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Denim & Diamonds "Daddy Daughter" Girl Scout Dance

Katie was scared to go to this dance! I guess she thought it was going to be like a formal prom or something. We didn't discuss it too far in advance, so that she wouldn't worry herself silly about it, as she tends to do. I heard that plenty of Dads were scared (or didn't want) to go, also. But Jay was right on this one! Andy and I were out at Webelos Woods all day and barely made it home in time to take this picture, so Daddy helped Katie choose her clothes and get ready. Mom swooped in to brush hair, add glitter spray, and paint nails. (Yeah, it's a girl thing.) Katie was so excited when she came home! She got to ride a bucking bronco, and she got a horseshoe ring!

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