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Andy had the unique opportunity to attend the Fitter and Faster Tour and get some swimming instruction from Ian Crocker and Megan Jendrick. It was funny to watch these kids...many of whom are highly-ranked for their age group, compete against Olympians - Ian and Megan raced the kids and let them get past the flags before ever diving in, and still managed to beat most of them across a 25-yard pool!Here is Andy with his pal Winston, who swims for Richardson. Andy and Winston are 2 of only a handful of 9 year old boys who have A and TAGS-qualifying times, so they've hung out at meets and gotten to be friends. Too bad they don't swim for the same team. Ah well, perhaps in college...
Katie came home from school one day with instructions and a pattern for making a stick horse. They were due in 1 week! Do kindergarten teachers think us parents have lots of spare time? I don't know what the non-crafty Moms due in situations like this...but we went to the fabric store and Katie picked out fleece in various colors for her horse. Every detail, right down to the bridle and bow (not visible in the picture) were of her choosing. I got to spend an afternoon putting it together. Fortunately I had some foam left from shadowboxes with which to stuff this horsehead, and Andy had a couple of bamboo sticks that he had plucked from a marsh near his friend Josh's house. So other than $4 for fleece and the button eyes, this was with whatever we had laying around the house. The horse's name is Cinnamon. They had a Pony Parade around the school, and posed in the classroom afterwards.
Katie was scared to go to this dance! I guess she thought it was going to be like a formal prom or something. We didn't discuss it too far in advance, so that she wouldn't worry herself silly about it, as she tends to do. I heard that plenty of Dads were scared (or didn't want) to go, also. But Jay was right on this one! Andy and I were out at Webelos Woods all day and barely made it home in time to take this picture, so Daddy helped Katie choose her clothes and get ready. Mom swooped in to brush hair, add glitter spray, and paint nails. (Yeah, it's a girl thing.) Katie was so excited when she came home! She got to ride a bucking bronco, and she got a horseshoe ring!
Andy and I went out to Webelos Woods, 2 hours west of home at Sid Richardson Scout Ranch, with our friends Glea and Dalton. What a neat place! Dad and Andy had been there before, but I hadn't - in fact, I only got the chance to go this time because Dad needed to be home to get ready for the Daddy/Daughter Girl Scout Dance with Katie. Andy got to throw tomahawks and knives, shoot BBs and archery, slingshots, canoeing, rock climbing, make a bear claw necklace, cross a monkey bridge (rope bridge) made by Boy Scouts, and more. The Boy Scouts were really nice and helpful. Andy is psyched about bridging to Boy Scouts next year!